Forget Not…

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
-Khalil Gibran

The Scene at the Stream

The other day, I sat quietly by a stream watching the water flow, birds taking dips, and tiny fish swimming together. The beauty of it all was breathtaking. Nothing about the scene at the stream was rushed, forced, or controlled. It just was.

streamIf God can make this tiny stream and the life surrounding it flow so effortlessly while simultaneously pointing back to His own beauty and perfection, can’t I assume He is doing the same in my own life?

That’s when it occurred to me.

If we could truly grasp God’s love for us, all of our prayers would be praise.

Relationships are like Plants

Relationships are like plants. If you get a new one and water it too much, too soon… you kill it. Take it slow. 🙂



Be patient and wait for your mud to settle and water to clear. Be patient and wait. Your mud will settle. Your water will be clear.