What Do You Know?

There aren’t many things about which I hold strong opinions. I consider myself to be high on the continuum of open-mindedness.

But there are a few things about which I am certain.

Like my distaste for Kindles and other electronic reading devices. Nothing can replace the joy that comes from the process of driving to a book store, picking out a book of choice, and walking away with said new book in hand.

Likewise, I will always favor a pencil to blank paper over a computer, tablet, or smart phone. There is magic in the movement of hand to paper that simply cannot be replicated.

I also know that my dog was sent here from heaven. To be with me in times of need and teach me how to love.

Finally, I know that I lose track of time, and also myself, whenever I am editing a video, writing a song, recording a performance, or performing live. Scientists call this “in the zone.”

These things I know for certain. What do you know?

Suffering Breeds

Just like if humans were to create robots that turn against us, so does suffering breed the very thing that ends it: compassion.