A Brief Insight on Compliments

A compliment is a gift.

If you question it, you may give cause for the Offeror to take it back.

Be Generous in Your Appreciation

You want approval from those with whom you come into contact. You want recognition of your true worth. You want a feeling that you are important in your own little world and you crave sincere appreciation.

We all do.

Remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

In other words, be generous in your appreciation and lavish in your praise. Towards all people. All the time. Everywhere. And you will reap the rewards.

An Amazing Story of Facebook and God Colliding

This past weekend, I received an amazing message from my 10th grade History teacher. I hadn’t spoken to him in almost ten years when he reached out to me on Facebook this past weekend. See his message below.

I remember years ago, being in his class and feeling called to write him a note of encouragement. I never heard from him about the note that year, so I assumed it didn’t mean much to him and frankly, as time went on, I forgot about it. Little did I know, God had plans for this note that were far greater than I could have hoped at the time.

This is an amazing testimony to why we must answer God’s calling at the moment we hear it, whether or not we can foresee any positive results. His timing is perfect!

facebook message

Here was my response…

facebook response


Living in the Present

Some people live in the past, we call them stuck. Some people live in the future, always striving, and we call them successful.

But the truth is, these people are no better off than those who are stuck in the past because the only truly successful people are the ones living in the present.

Life is a Journey, Not A Destination

Life is a journey, not a destination. The key is staying realistic about where you are on it at any given moment, and then appreciating that reality.

Love is Like a Wild Flower

“Fact is,
You’re born alone and you die alone. You can’t bring anyone into this world with you as well as you can’t take anyone out of it when you go. It is your journey alone.
Yes we meet people along the way but it is only two lives running parallel, not intertwining. Enjoy these experiences but never believe you were born for someone or meant to be with one individual person you’re whole life because quite frankly, you will be sorely upset when reality comes to light.
A close friend once told me that finding someone you love is like finding a beautiful wild flower. We want to pick it and take it home with us to keep, but it soon looses it’s glow. It wilts and becomes unhealthy and eventually dies. To truly appreciate someone we love, we must allow them to flourish and grow in their environment. Visit them in their beauty but not displace them…”

Appreciate Your Exes

Don’t underestimate the value of your failed relationships. Sure, relationships can (and often do) fail. But certainly, there is no failure in relationship. Relationship itself is always a gain.

These people, even if they’re the wrong ones, are the ones teaching you the most about yourself, what you do and don’t want in a mate, and ultimately preparing you for the one to whom you are destined. For this, if for nothing else, you ought to be able to muster at least a smidgen of appreciation πŸ˜‰

At The End of the Day

I’ve found that at the end of the day, people just want to be acknowledged and appreciated, whether it’s on the job or in a relationship.

Embrace Your Life

Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people. We are united in our differences.

open arms

A Challenge for You Today

Do something nice for someone today and don’t tell anybody about it.