Wisdom from Albert Einstein

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us “the universe”, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling, as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

-Albert Einstein

Sympathy vs. Charity

When we see someone in need, who’s homeless for example, I think it’s wrong to automatically feel bad for them.

I think we’ve somehow come to believe that because a person is in need, they’re candidates for sympathy, not just charity.

We don’t just want to buy them groceries, we want to buy them dignity.

And yet, by judging them, we’re the ones taking away their dignity in the first place…

Unity First

When it comes to the issues of conscientiousness in the Bible, for example alcohol, use of profanity, piercings, tattoos ect, I believe you ought to develop your own convictions about these things, and then try your very best not to offend anyone else’s.

Afterall, it’s not about the laws or how well you keep them, but about what God has already done for you, through his son Jesus Christ, and what He continues to do in your heart today.

In short, find unity around Jesus and don’t let that unity be divided by something secondary.

Living in the Present

Some people live in the past, we call them stuck. Some people live in the future, always striving, and we call them successful.

But the truth is, these people are no better off than those who are stuck in the past because the only truly successful people are the ones living in the present.

Life is a Journey, Not A Destination

Life is a journey, not a destination. The key is staying realistic about where you are on it at any given moment, and then appreciating that reality.

“Until Death Do Us Part” Wedding Vows

We take those vows, “until death do us part” but death of what? Death of intimacy? Death of connection? Death of well-being? What has to die before someone decides, “I’m out”?


If you feel like having a good laugh…

If you feel like a good laugh, watch this video. Ladies, I know y’all can relate!!

Why I Need Jesus

Jesus guides me. He is the way, the truth, and the life. I am convinced that if left unguided, my thought process would no doubt drive me right into the ground. Or crash me into concrete. Surrendering to God, allowing Jesus to take the wheel, doesn’t diminish me to nothing, as one might suspect. No, in fact, I’ve noticed the more I surrender to God, the more He blooms me more solidly into myself.

Do Better, Dads

These days people seem to think that if a man provides his family with food and shelter (and doesn’t hurt them), then he’s a good father. possum

Possums provide their children with food and shelter! Is that really the bar we’ve set for fatherhood?!  Do Better, Dads.

Target Zombies

Before I heard about the Target security breach, I went to the store all the time for groceries. Other than grocery shopping, I do my best to avoid Target because it has always struck me as a bit creepy. Whenever I’m in the store I feel as though I’m trapped in a maze. I can never seem to find what I’m looking for without first wandering through various aisles of distractions. I notice fellow Target shoppers seem to be the same way.

The people of Target don’t remind me of shoppers so much as they do zombies. Their eyes are invariably glazed over, and rather than looking forward, they’re glancing around incessantly at the bombardment of sale and clearance items, which they reluctantly add to their cart as if by force rather than will. I kid you not, every time I’m in Target I see at least two such zombies accidentally run into one another, too distracted to even notice the other’s presence.

This frightens me because in a world full of beautiful strangers in which we’re all fighting the same battles with different demons, we can’t afford to miss eachother. For some, a few hours at target may be the only human interaction they have all day. The fact that this interaction is primarily characterized by mindlessly passing eachother is just plain sad. People fear the security breach will stop a lot of people from shopping at Target this holiday season, but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing.