God does not choose the righteous. He makes righteous those He chooses.

The Scene at the Stream

The other day, I sat quietly by a stream watching the water flow, birds taking dips, and tiny fish swimming together. The beauty of it all was breathtaking. Nothing about the scene at the stream was rushed, forced, or controlled. It just was.

streamIf God can make this tiny stream and the life surrounding it flow so effortlessly while simultaneously pointing back to His own beauty and perfection, can’t I assume He is doing the same in my own life?

That’s when it occurred to me.

If we could truly grasp God’s love for us, all of our prayers would be praise.

Be Grateful

I’ve given you a gift and you so deserve it, Child.

You’ve taken the gift and given it back to me. You are wise for this. For only a fool keeps my gifts for himself.

By giving it back to me, I will increase its fortitude and magnitude tenfold. I will multiply your gifts and shower you with more blessings because I have seen you are a good receiver and you are grateful.

Life Cycle

“Whatever has happened before will happen again. What ever has been done before will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9

Have you ever noticed how cyclical your life is? I sure have.

As unpredictable as life can be, it’s cyclical nature is just as predictable.

For everything that dies, something else is born.

For everything that ends, something else begins.

For every door that closes, another one opens.

After every high, comes a low.

After every storm, comes the sun.

After every loss, comes a gain.

In fact, the cycles are so predictable, it’s a wonder that we worry or doubt at all. Perhaps this is why we’re told to give thanks in ALL things, because another change is always just around the corner.

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Our Mission

Our mission is this: Use your strengths (gifts) to make your weaknesses known. And by doing so, you make God known.

Freedom Music


Christian spirituality is like a music birthed out of freedom. A language of the soul. Everybody sings their song the way they feel it, closing their eyes and lifting up their hands…

Be Generous in Your Appreciation

You want approval from those with whom you come into contact. You want recognition of your true worth. You want a feeling that you are important in your own little world and you crave sincere appreciation.

We all do.

Remember the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

In other words, be generous in your appreciation and lavish in your praise. Towards all people. All the time. Everywhere. And you will reap the rewards.

Conversation with God on Time

SlaveToTimeFinal2 Last night God asked me, “Why do you behave as though time is your master and you its slave? Worrying about when you will do this or finish that. Did I not create the sun to rise and the night to fall?

Indeed, I created time for you. Not the other way around. Time is precious if you use it wisely, but worthless if you let it use you. To know your days are numbered is wise, but to idolize your time is foolish.

So I ask of you, Child, as you go about your daily duties, will you remember me? Will you seek solace in my presence which transcends time? Better still, will you place your time in My Hands, so that My Good and Perfect Will may be done?”


Identity in Your Idols

What do you find your identity in?

If you want to know, just ask yourself, “What am I most afraid of losing?”

In the answer, you’ll find your idol. In that idol, you find your identity.


I am an admitted workaholic. My drive to succeed is relentless, compulsory, and at times unnerving. I have noticed that I am never satisfied. And I don’t think that I ever will be. As soon as one goal is accomplished there is instantly another higher goal in its place. By work alone, I will never be satisfied, I realize. While this focus and drive is perhaps a strength of mine, it is also by far my greatest weakness. Work can be a distraction from the Real Satisfier if we aren’t careful. For the workaholics among us, may we always aim not to worship our work but to instead use our work as worship.