New Year Resolutions

New year resolutions are a funny thing. They’re usually abstract goals with no real objectives attached to them and thus, they rarely stick.

I think we should call them new year habits instead. Because this is what we’re really after, right? To rid ourselves of old habits that no longer serve us and form new, better and healthier habits in their place.

We’re creatures of habit. Whether we want to go to the gym more, eat healthier, or spend more time with friends, if we want the change to be long lasting, it needs to become a habit.

Research says it only takes two weeks to form a habit. So if we do something every day for two weeks, it’ll likely become a routine part of our life.

This is my hope for you, for everyone, and for myself. That we form new habits. Habits that will serve to further our goals for the year ahead.

Happy New Year!

New Year Resolutions

New year resolutions are a funny thing. They’re usually abstract goals with no real objectives attached to them and thus, they rarely stick.

I think we should call them new year habits instead. Because this is what we’re really after, right? To rid ourselves of old habits that no longer serve us and form new, better and healthier habits in their place.

We’re creatures of habit. Whether we want to go to the gym more, eat healthier, or spend more time with friends, if we want the change to be long lasting, it needs to become a habit.

Research says it only takes two weeks to form a habit. So if we do something every day for two weeks, it’ll likely become a routine part of our life.

This is my hope for you, for everyone, and for myself. That we form new habits. Habits that will serve to further our goals for the year ahead.

Happy New Year!

Do Better, Dads

These days people seem to think that if a man provides his family with food and shelter (and doesn’t hurt them), then he’s a good father. possum

Possums provide their children with food and shelter! Is that really the bar we’ve set for fatherhood?!  Do Better, Dads.

Relationship Goals for 2014

Seeing as 2014 is fast approaching (4 more days!!) I decided to write a list of my personal relationship goals. But I’m not going to wait until 2014 to start working on these. I’m starting today. 🙂

Here is what I’ve come up with:

Less talking, more listening. Less thinking, more being. Less discussing feelings, more actual feeling. Less analyzing the other, more loving the other.

What are your personal relationship goals? xoxo