The Creative Child Within (A Poem)

When we’re young, the world is our oyster.
Hurt and humiliation are two things we don’t fear.
Imagination is our kingdom and every moment counts.
Ah yes, when we’re young, creativity abounds.

As we grow up they say, “Fall in line!
Get good grades! Be on time!
Find a job! Pay your bills!”
All things that stifle creative wills.

When we’re young, our sense of presence lasts.
There’s no anxiety about the future. No dwelling in the past.
It’s this innate presence that lets our creative juices flow
but we block it and build dams around it every year we grow.

Now I can hear the sound, traveling through your eyes
of broken dreams and emptiness
as your inner child cries,

“Gimme ink and paper, crayons, brushes, and blank space.
Gimme songs to sing and lightening bugs to chase.
Gimme wood to carve, clay to mold, and games to play.
I’m jumpy and I’m restless. Can I come out today?”

Children as Creative Geniuses

As children, we’re spontaneous more than we are analytical. We accept new information with delight, and without making comparisons to what we already believe.

We’re curious, not jaded.

Even the most ordinary experiences in life are met with a sense of awe.

Artists who are able to continually produce great works throughout their lives are those who are able to preserve these childlike qualities.

Practicing a way of being that allows us to see the world through innocent eyes, frees us to act in concert with the universe’s timetable.

Translators for the Universe

If you have an idea you’re excited about and you don’t bring it to life, it’s not uncommon for that idea to find its voice through another maker. Not because someone steals your idea, but because the idea’s time has come.

We’re all translators for the messages that the universe is sending.

God didn’t create us because He was lonely and needed us. Just as a songwriter doesn’t write a song because he needs the song.


A songwriter writes a song because he needs to communicate himself.


So it is with God, when He created us.