What It’s Like to Be a Writer

A funny description of what it’s like to be a writer by fellow author Donald Miller.


“Writers don’t make any money at all. We make about a dollar. It is terrible. But then again we don’t work either. We sit around in our underwear until noon then go downstairs and make coffee, fry some eggs, read the paper, read part of a book, smell the book, wonder if perhaps we ourselves should work on our book, smell the book again, throw the book across the room because we are quite jealous that any other person wrote a book, feel terribly guilty about throwing the schmuck’s book across the room because we secretly wonder if God in heaven noticed our evil jealousy, or worse, our laziness. We then lie across the couch facedown and mumble to God to forgive us because we are secretly afraid He is going to dry up all our words because we envied another man’s stupid words. And for this, as I said, we are paid a dollar. We are worth so much more.”

America’s Obsession with “Success”

A mockery of American culture’s obsession with “Success”. Fair warning: Terrifying facial expressions abound.


My Dad and I Acting Like Total Goofballs

My dad and I acting like total goofballs. I’m so blessed to have him and grateful that we’re so close!

If you feel like having a good laugh…

If you feel like a good laugh, watch this video. Ladies, I know y’all can relate!!

If you feel like a good laugh… watch this video

Let me know what you think! I hope this makes you smile! Happy humpday!

“Show me a woman who doesn’t feel guilty and I’ll show you a man.” -Erica Jong

Women vs. Men

Women worry about men forgetting things. Men worry about women remembering things.

A Rule for Making Music and Love:

If it takes too long, you’re doing it wrong.

baby winking

Happy Friday!

If Britney Spears can get through 2007, you can get through today. 🙂
