Walnuts and Rice

Here’s a fun exercise to try if you haven’t heard of it before:


Take a jar, a handful of rice (enough to fill the jar) and a handful of walnuts. If you put the rice in first and then the walnuts, you’ll find that there is not enough room in the jar for both. But if you put the walnuts in the jar first and then the rice, they both fit fine.

What’s the lesson?

The walnuts are our priorities. The things that matter most in life.

The rice is everything else. The small stuff. All of life’s little details.


When we do what matters most to us first, the rest of life kind of just falls into place. Life always works itself out when we have our priorities in line and we put our walnuts first.

Finish Strong

finish strong

God puts chapters in your life. Finish each chapter strong. Finish strong by focusing only on the things in front of you and by not thinking of what lies ahead.

God will give you the strength to finish this day strong. And when tomorrow comes, He will give you the strength to finish it, as well. So focus on today, and be faithful in your chapter.

Daily Inspiration

You only have one life to live. There are going to be a lot of maybes, what-ifs, and could-have-beens. But if you want to spend your life happy, focus on what you already have…