
I think too much of our time is spent trying to dissect God, to understand Him, and too little is spent simply allowing our hearts to feel awe.

It’s ironic; we deprive our hearts of wonder and yet, we need wonder. We all know that death is coming and we need something mysterious to happen after it. We need to know that God has things figured out, even if we don’t. We need there to be Someone bigger than us who has it all under control. I think this is our greatest form of worship: wonder.


When I think about the Universe, how scientists haven’t found the edge of it, how nobody knows exactly where we are on the map…


I think how there are really only two human responses to such beautiful mystery- terror and awe.

God tells us that fear is the appropriate response, that it is the beginning of all wisdom. Yet, I think too much of our time is spent trying to dissect God, to understand Him (so that we no longer have to fear) and too little is spent allowing our hearts to simply feel awe.

It’s ironic; we deprive our hearts of wonder and yet, we need wonder. We need wonder to explain what is going to happen to us. We all know that death is coming and we need something mysterious to happen after it. We need to know that God has things figured out, even if we don’t. We need there to be Someone bigger than us who has it all under control.

Yes, I think this is our greatest worship- wonder.

How Much Do You Trust Me? -God

Tonight God asked me, “How much do you trust me?”

“A lot,” I said.

He laughed, as He often does, “OK. But do you trust me enough?”

He continued, “Enough to stop worrying about time and how much of it you have? Have you not seen how my timing is perfect? Enough to stop obsessing over your to do list? What if I have better things for you to do? When you pray to me ‘Jesus, take the wheel’, do you really mean it? Will you let me? Do you trust me enough to lay your head on the pillow at night without your mind racing? Will you accept my offering of peace? Will you find your rest in me?”

I sat, once again, dumbfounded in His presence.

“You say you trust me ‘alot’ but is it enough?”