A Moment of Venting

What you really owe me is an apology. For treating me as your inferior, for neglecting me, for taking advantage of my kindness and patience. Yes, you owe me an apology.

But I do not expect one from you.

Although your behavior would suggest you’re an awful person, I refuse to succumb to such a belief. I choose instead to believe in your goodness and continue to love you.

I choose to believe that your actions stem out of your own defensiveness, a protection you’ve formed for yourself, and I feel for you. You must have been burned many times to form a protective shell as hard as yours. You must be very hurt to hurt others as you do.

Judging you is not my place, but I will continue to pray for you. Acting out or seeking revenge is not the path I plan to take. Instead, I will love you and forgive you and hope you begin to see that there’s good in this world- that you’re safe after all.

2 thoughts on “A Moment of Venting

  1. I said all of that to the woman i’ve been loving for 8 years & would have written precisely that except the end line that would have been you begin to see the good & worth i see in you. thank you very much for your thoughts… dom cailliez

    • Thank you for sharing. I’m glad someone could relate. I’m sorry to hear of your situation though. you sound like a good guy and if someone isn’t willing to treat you like it, it’s their loss. Best wishes.

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